Wednesday 22 April 2020

Digital Photo

I am a big fan of photographing what you care about. The experience will be better and the imagery usually stronger because you are invented emotionally into what's happening. It doesn't matter if it's landscapes or foods or documentary projects or your family pup. Make photos of what you love. My love happens to be sports. 

 Sports photography

Sports photography refers to the generation of photography that covers all types of sports.

The main application of professional sports photography is for editorial purposes; dedicated sports photographers usually work for newspapers, major wire agencies or dedicated sports magazines.

Equipment typically used for sports photography includes a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera or with high continuous shooting speeds and interchangeable lenses ranging from 14 mm to 400 mm or longer in focal length , depending on the type of sport. The proper lenses are very important as they allow the photographer to reach closer or farther as quickly as possible to keep up with the game play. Essential accessories include a mono or tripod for stability and extra batteries. Longer focal length lenses are typically used to photograph action in sports such as football, while wide angle lenses can be used for sideline and close-up athlete photos.

Camera bodies :-

The preferred camera bodies for modern sports photography have fast autofocus and high burst rates, typically 8 frames per second or faster. The current flagship sports cameras produced by Canon and Nikon are the Canon Eos 1D X Mark 2 and the Nikon D 5; these are popular in professional sports photography.

Lenses :-  

Different sports but sports photography usually requires fast (wide aperture) telephoto lenses, with fast autofocus performance. Fast autofocus is needed to focus on movement, telephoto to get close to the action, and wide aperture for several reasons :-

  • The background is dramatic all out of focus due to a shallow depth of field, resulting in better subject isolation.
  • The lenses can focus more quickly due to the increase in light entering the lens important with fast-moving action.
  • Faster shutter speeds can be used to freeze the action.

Location is often important for sports photography. At big events, professional photographers often shoot from VIP spots Sith the best views, usually as close to the action as possible. Most sports require the photographer to frame their images with speed and adjust camera settings spontaneously to prevent blurring or incorrect exposure.

Some sports photography is also done from a distance to give the game a unique effect.

Strip photography :- 

While the vast majority of sports photography focuses on capturing a moment, possibly with some blur, the technique of strip photography is sometimes used to instead show motion over time. This is most prominent in a photo finish, but can also be used for other purposes, often yielding unusually distorted images. 

Sports photography can be one of the more expensive niches of photography, but that should not acre you away. There are still plenty of lenses and camera bodies that are capable of helping you to get the best sports images that you can. It comes down to knowing your gear, knowing the game you are shooting, and practicing as much as possible. The more expensive gear may focus faster, have lens vignetting image stabilization, or any number of new features. But there is no substitute for knowing your subject and knowing your gear. I hope that this guide has been helpful for those of you looking to getting into sports photography. 

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